Specialized feeds NON GMO
Specialized feed for cattle

Kenostart Carotin
Starting feed rich in protected protein and protected fat. It contains high levels of niacin, beta carotene, vitamins and simple sugars. It works perfectly in herds with perinatal problems, improves reproduction rates (better calving), and the contained beta carotene allows for more visible heat.
Starting feed rich in protected protein and protected fat. It contains high levels of niacin, vitamins and simple sugars. Works great in herds with perinatal problems and improves reproduction rates (better calving).
Mix for cows and heifers in the final dry period (from 3 weeks before calving to calving). Thanks to the reduced content of calcium, and high phosphorus and magnesium, it prevents the occurrence of metabolic diseases and postpartum paralysis. The high content of vitamins and niacin protects the liver and allows for higher milk yield.
Predator K!
A specialized compound feed containing fats, a special combination of simple sugars and glycerin. Thanks to the right combination of raw materials used in this mix, it eliminates the energy deficit and quickly increases blood glucose levels after collection, thus preventing ketosis in cows.
Compound feed rich in live yeast cultures. It increases herd health, eliminates diarrhea and prevents acidosis. The use of the mixture translates into an increase in efficiency and growth, and also reduces the number of somatic cells. Minimum content of live cultures: 25.0x 10 10 CFU / g. Nutrient content: total protein 40%, crude fat 1.56%, crude fiber: 8%, crude ash 4.3%, calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1.0%. Kenoyeast is administered in an amount of 50-80 g / pcs / day.
Kenoketo EXTRA
Supplementary, liquid feed for dairy cows, heifers and fattening cattle as a supplement to the energy deficit, vitamins and trace elements. The glycerin and propylene glycol contained in the product provide quickly absorbable energy, increasing the blood glucose content and reducing the negative energy balance.
Complementary, liquid feed for dairy cows as a supplement to the energy deficit, vitamins and trace elements. The glycerin and molasses contained in the product provide quickly assimilable energy and simple sugars, increasing the blood glucose content and reducing the negative energy balance.